First Post - Thanks for Nothing
My life is a kind of complicated that can only come from being an inept life partner, pathetic excuse for a father, and failed musician.
The decisions I've made have forced me into a corner I'm not sure I can get out of, and I have nobody to blame but myself. Too bad I've sucked my poor wife into it.
I shouldn't worry too much about her. Her failure in choosing me isn't causing her any lasting damage. She's getting a nice inheritance this month and the debt I've helped to accrue over the past few years is going to be gone in a few weeks.
The sorrow I feel for what I did isn't gone, however, and I am rather down on myself for it. Trouble is, she's gotten to the point where all the good will I've built up by being loving and tender with her (relatively) has been mitigated by the utter disaster I've heaped upon her by my complete lack of forethought.
One thing that I'm going to be writing tons about is my belief in non-monogamy. I think the partners in a couple should toss the old-fashioned thinking that cheating is the norm, or that not-cheating is a requisite for a relationship to not-fail.
Over the past year, my wife and I almost broke up over a relationship of my wife's that got out of hand. Problem is, the solution might be as bad as the problem. The patient might die from the infection, rather than the disease or the Operation Proper.
I've got several months worth of a post-a-week blogging backed up, waiting for edits and postings.
I hope you enjoy the tale.
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